Hello! I'm in the process of building an integrati...
# prefect-community
Hello! I'm in the process of building an integration between finance and salesforce. Is there any documentation or examples of working with Prefect and Salesforce? I didn't see salesforce in the task library...
I am not immediately aware of some Salesforce based documentation and we always welcome contributions to the task library! I know some tasks for working with Salesforce have been discussed but not sure what came of it. What specific Salesforce actions are you trying to accomplish?
ah ok. We're in the early stages of drawing out the process, but its a pretty basic workflow. We identify a batch of data in SF and send the meta to what would be a Prefect workflow. The pipeline would then connect to the api, pull the data, push it to the finance system, then update SF when the action has been completed.
A pretty straightforward process, but I've never worked with SF before, so I was looking for anything that could save me time
Their Python API seems decently fleshed out which is nice but I welcome anyone from the community to chime in with ideas if they have used it before 🙂
💯 2
@Wayne we have some internal folks who would love to use Prefect with the Salesforce API… we’ve talked about it a lot but it hasn’t been a super high priority (since we assumed it was just us 😉 )
😂 1
Yeah, it's one of those things you don't need until you do, haha. We're standing up a pretty big instance of Salesforce here, and justifying it's existence by migrating some internal operations to it.
I start building this thing soon, so I'll probably be back with a few questions at some point. 🙂