Hi - when I try to run a flow from the Cloud UI I ...
# prefect-community
Hi - when I try to run a flow from the Cloud UI I seem to always end up with the first version of the flow (as opposed to latest). Haven’t tested this extensively but wondering if anyone else is seeing this?
Hey @Arlo Bryer When you say you “end up with the first version” do you mean it’s the first version of the flow that runs? Wondering where you are encountering this
yes that’s right
or at least the first version that tries to run
(it doesn’t exist any more)
Which storage option are you using for your flow?
this is current
local storage
after hitting ‘run’
so it looks like ‘run’ is actually triggering an old version
I could be mistaken but I believe that is actually the Flow run state version (and unclear by the label) cc @nicholas
The same thing appears for me on runs (this is not the 4th version of this flow, way beyond that)
ah I see
so where it says “Flow Version - Version 4”
that’s not actually right?
(in which case there’s probably a bug/feature enhancement/feedback point there)
It is correct in that it is the version four of the state of the flow run but the labeling is definitely unclear!
Here’s a run I just created, Version 1 is the Scheduled state. Version 2 would be Submitted. Version 3 would be Running. Version 4 would be Success/Failed.
but that is not version 1 of the flow then?
(i.e. what we’re seeing there is the flow state)
Correct! I’ll forward this to the UI team
ah ok
yeah please 🙂, that’s kind of confusing atm
and given that I guess I have something else wrong, so I’ll dig into it and figure it out. Thanks!
Hi Arlo and Josh - thank you for finding this and making us aware of it. I agree that label is confusing at the moment. We'll look at a way to make it clearer and get that changed asap!