I'm getting an error when trying to invite a new u...
# prefect-community
I'm getting an error when trying to invite a new user to our team in Prefect Cloud. Where should I go from here?
Hi @Adam Roderick do you know which plan you're on? It's possible that you're at your user limit (which is counted as current users + outstanding invitations)
It says custom license when I look at the Billing tab. We are currently at 3 users
Team name is "Datateer"
I just checked your license — you have no license-related limits you should be hitting
You do have an outstanding invitation though; can you check your “Invitations” tab and see if your invite shows up there?
🙄 sorry, I just saw the outstanding invitation. That's obviously where the error is coming from
No worries at all, the error message here is not very informative so I understand the confusion — we’ll work on updating that!
Original problem is solved. Here is some information for future reference:
The developer on the machine that was failing had not activated their Cloud account
He activated, but still had the same outcome from
with the same error message
does he have docker running?
Then he went through the config process, generating a USER token and running
prefect auth
After that problem went away
oh wild
@Chris White yes, docker was running from the beginning
So definitely user error, but I wanted to provide the context in case you want to capture this error in the future
Yea for sure I appreciate it; sorry I wasn’t of more help here --> I’m still not entirely sure how the auth could have caused that error but I’m glad he’s up and running!