Is there a best practice for getting a flow to run...
# prefect-community
Is there a best practice for getting a flow to run continuously? So it starts over again after the last task is completed..
Off the top of my head the way I would implement it would be to have the last task of the flow schedule another run of the same flow using something like this: Or I would set the flow to have a schedule which runs frequently. But this is dependent on if you can accurately predict how long a run of the flow will take
I cannot accurately say, so will look at your first suggestion. Thanks!!
i think thats only for cloud, if you happen to have core suggestions, Im all ears.
Are you using Prefect core’s server? If so we could update this task (or add another one) to opt into the cloud project piece 🙂
I appreciate you trying to help me, but I dont really understand, sorry. We're not using the server currently, I kinda thought that was only for the UI which isn't accessible for us (we're hosting our prefect env in ec2)
in the meantime ive written an sh script that checks if our workflow is running every minute and kicks it off again.. not ideal but it works for now
Okay glad it works! Yeah outside of a frequently running schedule or a state persistence layer I think some external process might be the best way to go
Thanks again. I see some event based triggers on the road map. If I understand correctly, maybe a final task that raises an event, which starts another run of the same flow will work when thats available.