:wave: new prefect user, currently in evaluation p...
# prefect-community
👋 new prefect user, currently in evaluation phase as a replacement to airflow. for reference i’m running airflow in a container, with scheduler and webserver as separate containers and multiple worker containers, all of this is on a 3 node cluster. is there a doc on how to run prefect containers similarly? i see install doc uses prefect server command which launches containers, but not a whole lot of info on how to setup this w/o that command
You can use their "Cloud" option to orchestrate execution in multiple environments, definitely the easiest option IMO. In this workflow, all you need to worry about is each Flow development (each Flow is isolated into it's own container). If you have a kubernetes cluster, I have a Helm chart that will deploy the perfect server (which is an alternative to the Cloud option) on your own infrastructure. https://github.com/szelenka/prefect-server-k8 We're using Cloud for most of our orchestration, but also have prefect server deployed on a few K8 clusters for rapid development.
❤️ 2
🚀 1
thanks! I was looking at this: https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect/blob/master/server/docker/docker-compose.yml , it would be ideal to deploy this to our current container runtime (rancher)
but i dont see agent listed here, so i’m not sure
or any init/configuration that needs to take place
Hi Alexey, as Scott mentioned Cloud has traditionally been the way to manage multiple deployments, but we have recently open-sourced the platform to streamline adoption!This release includes deployment of infrastructure via docker-compose (plus an agent - you always need at least one running to pick up and execute flows). In the near future we’ll be releasing guides for alternative infrastructure deployments, but you can look at the docker-compose file to see the necessary service components.
The "server" doesn't register an agent in the deployment (v Hell charts deploy a K8 agent though), you could easily add an entry for the agent, but the versioning of the agent and server are slightly different
very cool, kudos for open sourcing it looks awesome
marvin 1
👍 please let us know how it goes - our short term goal is to make deploy as smooth as possible.
will do!
What was your motivation to move away from airflow?