Morning all! I’m new to Prefect, looking to deploy...
# prefect-community
Morning all! I’m new to Prefect, looking to deploy the server, or whole stack, in a container onto FarGate - has anyone tried this? Can’t find much on it..
Hi Darragh! Welcome to Prefect! I've not had much experience with Fargate but let me see if others on the team have tried this. Maybe others here can chip in too.
@Darragh I haven’t done it either but since the server stack is all Dockerized it should be possible as long as each service is in its own Task all of the Fargate Tasks are configured to communicate with one another
Thanks guys - I had a shot at a basic “pip install prefect” inside a Docker container and hit the always fun docker-in-docker problems, so I thought I’d check in and see if there’s a known good method 🙂
Yeah you’re going to want to run every service in its own container 🙂 check out the docker compose file used to run the server from the
server start
CLI command And the images can be found on DockerHub
Bugger, I was really hoping I could do them all in 1, save having to compose multiple containers!
Question actually on the docker containers - what is this one for? I came across it intially and assumed it would just pull/start all of them?
That’s a standard python image with Prefect and some dependencies installed. Helpful in spinning up a container for development and it’s also used as the default base image (can be overridden with any other) when registering flows with Docker storage
The issue with trying to run the server on a container like that is the server start command currently only uses Docker compose and DinD has some issues with that. There definitely are some workarounds but none that I have at the ready
Fair enough, thanks for the info! I’ll do them indepedently and then come back once I hit my next problem 😄 Thanks Josh!