Hello (again) I have recreated the dockers of pref...
# prefect-community
Hello (again) I have recreated the dockers of prefect server, and for the latest version , registered flows do not appear in the UI. Is there a way to specify the tag I want to use with prefect server start?
Hi @Manuel Mourato (again) 🙂 Just double checking because first thing for server is usually to double check that flows are registering to server and not to cloud. When you register a flow, does the return URL have the cloud.prefect.io domain name in it or your server’s IP address (which if you are on local, should be localhost)?
It has localhost:
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I had to update the prefect python package in my environment to version 0.10.7, it's working now 🙂
Oo, yay!
🙏 1
@Laura Lorenz (she/her), sorry to bother again I started a local agent and tried to run the flow, but am getting this error:
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[2020-05-07 22:13:36,619] ERROR - agent | Error while deploying flow: FileNotFoundError(2, 'No such file or directory')
Is there a way to see more logs than this one? It doesnt really tell me much...
This only happens when I start the agent via cli If I start from the python script, it works
Hmmm that is quite an unhelpful error eh. You can set the logs to debug level with
is a file named after your flow in
Hello @Laura Lorenz (she/her) The issue was indeed that the flow was not in
. However, when I save a flow I am free to pick the directory in which I save. Is there anyway to tell the agent to read from a specific directory? via cmd?
Yes, when you register the flow you should add a configured
object that knows where you saved your flows (by default it looks in
is why I asked about that location; see https://docs.prefect.io/orchestration/execution/storage_options.html#local). That being said, when you register your flow it will be saved automatically with whatever storage you configure, so you don’t need to save as a separate step! The following tutorial is actually about docker storage but I think it shows the recommended workflow well: https://docs.prefect.io/orchestration/tutorial/docker.html#persisting-your-flow-with-docker-storage