A question for the Prefect team (a bit related to ...
# prefect-community
A question for the Prefect team (a bit related to the most recent question by @Aiden Price) I have a helm chart for a Prefect open-source server (ui, apollo, and the other services). Basically, the helm/k8s translation of the current docker-compose approach. I can publish this for all to use but I feel like I am stepping into cloud territory and I don’t want to hinder your business model. Would you be interested in that? There are a couple of caveats: I did not create this with the objective of generalization; it works for me so there are two specific things: a kubernetes agent and google cloud provisioning for the database disk.
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As a user, I would love an open-sourced helm chart for Prefect
Hey @David Ojeda we are definitely interested in all community efforts! We’ve been discussing this internally for a while and I think we are actually going to make an official public core server helm chart. So definitely any community contributions are absolutely welcome! There are a few k8s/helm efforts bubbling up in the community and I want to unify them all. I think I will have a repo open sometime next week if I don’t get to it later this week. 😄
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Ok that’s great @josh; in that case, I am going to put mine into a github repo sometime today and post it here. I am not a helm/k8s expert but I think it’s a good start
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Awesome! Yeah we are going to want the chart to be generalizable as much as possible in the long run but for the first iteration I think a k8s agent will be the way to go by default
I still have one quirk to fix in order to put an identity-aware proxy on it since I am quite afraid of leaving my graphql service open to the world
Yeah def! Idk if you have seen this but it could server as some inspiration https://github.com/szelenka/prefect-server-k8
Also @Thomas La Piana has some nice changes to bare k8s manifests in this PR here https://github.com/joshmeek/prefect-server-ui-k8s/pull/1
Oh! Those are pretty good; probably better than mine! I think that my small contribution could be to explain how to use Pomerium for authentication and authorization: https://www.pomerium.io/