Can you implement a "manual" task in a middle of a...
# prefect-community
Can you implement a "manual" task in a middle of a workflow with prefect? The expected behavior would be something like: the workflow stops to the manual steps. Once the work is done, somebody, from the web interface, mark the task as done, and the workflow continue its job.
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Yup! The building blocks for this have been in place for a long time but I think people are just starting to use it (based on questions) so we’ll be taking a look at the UX (both in code and in the UI) in the near future to improve it 🙂 It’s actually simple - any task can put itself into a
state, and all automatic progression will stop. To continue, put it into a
state manually (via GraphQL, code, or the UI). The one caveat is that your task logic needs to check for a special value
prefect.context.get('resume') is True
so that it can tell if it was put into the
state and run itself appropriately.
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Pro-tip: if you use a
trigger on a Task, Prefect takes care of context for you
Ah thank you @Chris White
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OK. Thanks. Do you have some code sample to share? I'm starting with Prefect, give it a try and still don't have a good understanding of it ;)
Hi @Nicolas Michel - check out this issue for a code snippet and some work being done to improve this API:
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