Hi everyone, my name is Michael. I am happy to be ...
# prefect-community
Hi everyone, my name is Michael. I am happy to be joining the prefect user community. I'd like to report small bug in tutorial. Is this a proper place to do so? Best regards
👀 1
Hi @MichaƂ Junczyk, welcome! You’re definitely in the right place. Can you tell me a little bit more about the bug you’re experiencing and in which tutorial?
Great! In tutorial on flow visualization, second code snippet is missing imports for Flow and Parameter classes
Not sure it's a bug or a feature of the tutorial, maybe creator assumed that the user already imported it:)
On a second thought, probably the latter. I hope to be more helpful next time:)
This was helpful! Thank you =]
Can you send a link? Let me double-check. The
s may not be obvious