Hello again, I am running Core/Server at 0.11.5 an...
# prefect-community
Hello again, I am running Core/Server at 0.11.5 and have checkpointing set to False in my backend.toml file. Still when the flows run, they create a lot of data in the results-folder which is also not removed automatically. Where else do I have to turn off something to not have this files created, or at least removed afterwards. I suspect that this behaviour is also the reason, why my DaskWorker holds on to a lot of memory after a flow run and then breaks at one point as it does not free up memory at all.
Hi @Matthias - do you have result handlers attached to tasks individually?
something like
? no, i do not have that
Ah my apologies - you'll need to pass
to each task you want to disable results for.
Oh, okay, did not know. I think the docs are a little bit unclear on this
I’ll try it 🙂
😄 1
Works 👍
Matthias is right, the docs actually specify the opposite, that you have to set checkpointing for any results to work https://docs.prefect.io/core/advanced_tutorials/using-results.html
Hm I think the docs could be a little clearer here but if I read correctly it seems that's only true when using just Core, not Server/Cloud:
For Prefect Core server or Prefect Cloud users:
• Checkpointing will automatically be turned on; you can disable it by passing 
 to each task you want to turn it off for
Yes, of course. He said he’s running core :)