Hi, for my company I'm searching for a task manage...
# prefect-community
Hi, for my company I'm searching for a task management infrastructure (like airflow, luigi, prefect). Is it possible to run the enterprise flavor of prefect on our own hardware (k8s)? Its no option to rely on other people's infrastructure.
Hi @Sven Teresniak, we have a few models for deploying Prefect. By far the most common, including for enterprises, is our Hybrid Model - an “on-prem lite” in which all customer code and data remains on your private infrastructure and Prefect acts as an orchestrator only. However we’d be happy to discuss your requirements further - @David Abraham can arrange a time or feel free to reach us at sales@prefect.io
Hi Jeremiah, thanks for the answer. Talking about that would be the 2nd step. 1st step is to deploy a test setup of prefect (including pg, scheduler, ui, etc.) in kubernetes. Its very easy to start this setup locally but the docs seem not to cover k8s deployment -- only for tasks (using DaskKubernetes agents or so)…
The first release of the fully open-source project was built around a local docker-compose deploy (as you’ve found) - we have been (very pleasantly) surprised by its popularity and are working on greatly expanding the deployment options in an upcoming release. In the meantime there are a number of members in the community who have come up with K8S deploys, including helm charts like this one that may assist you!
ui I LIKE! 🙂
😄 1
thanks. will try to deploy that in our cluster for testing purposes
Let us know! The Cloud UI is currently ahead of the open-source UI but that’s part of our internal focus right now, look forward to your feedback
yes, i can imagine. but involving external services without technical need is hard to sell here.
We understand
Hi Sven! As Jeremiah stated, happy to help in any way we can. If a discussion would be helpful, please feel free to reach out via email (david@prefect.io) and we'd be happy to coordinate a call.
Thank you very much. From all I can see Prefect could be perfect to coordinate our workflows. Also, the "Why Not Airflow" blog article saves me a lot of time while evaluating Airflow. Thanks. (I know its partly marketing 😉 But still...)