Hi all, Is there any best-practice for deploying ...
# prefect-community
Hi all, Is there any best-practice for deploying flows through CI/CD? I have seen the https://docs.prefect.io/orchestration/recipes/multi_flow_storage.html but how would one go about it with maybe 20+ flows? Should you simply create a main script that imports all the flows and registrer as part of the CI/CD pipeline? I get that one of the ideas with Prefect is that it is easy to create prototype flows quickly but it would be nice to have a flow suite version controlled and "one truth"
That's a good question, and a valid use case - we do that internally at Prefect (we like to say "Prefect runs on Prefect") - I'll ping someone with more knowledge of how we accomplish this to get back to you.
Hi @Thomas Hoeck! There are some really solid patterns described in the thread below-- would something like what's described work for your use case? https://prefect-community.slack.com/archives/CL09KU1K7/p1588164482312600
Thank you both! Yeah, the method described by @Joe Schmid seems like a solid approach. I think it would make to make this flow easier as i expect a lot of users want to make something similar to this in production.
Hi @Thomas Hoeck, that approach (package all Flows into a single docker image, register only changed Flows) has been working well for us. If you have more questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Awesome! @Joe Schmid once again showing his bona fides as a Prefect rockstar. 💪
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Just passing on lots of help & support that I got when starting out. One of the best aspects of Prefect is the very helpful & supportive community.
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Hey there...I am finally about to get a blog post on CICD published....if you send me your email I can share it with you
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Could I get that also please Braun, literally doing the same CICD dance atm.
sure...would love the feedback..just direct message me
@Braun Reyes could I also get it please? also struggling with CI/CD at the moment.