Hi @Chris Vrooman, Thanks for letting us know! We’re aware of this issue, you should see a fix in shortly.
Gotcha, thanks Dylan!
In the meantime, this is a great chance to check out the Interactive API! You can create a new task concurrency limit with:
Copy code
mutation {
  update_task_concurrency_limit(input: {name: "your_tag_name", limit: 5}) {
Then you should see it on the page you referenced above ☝️
@Chris Vrooman if you hard refresh the page and try again it should be working
👍 1
Looks like it is working now, thank you Dylan! I didn’t realize this could also be done through the API. That may be a better way for us to implement 👍
No problem! Your Task Concurrency limits are global to your Prefect Cloud Team, so they’ll work for all Task Runs with Tasks with a given Tag
That being said, all of the GraphQL mutations that the UI uses are available to you! 😄