hello everybody i have a project i am working on w...
# prefect-community
hello everybody i have a project i am working on where i am trying to get jupyter and prefectui//agent wokring in docker so i can use prefect with jupyter but i cant seem to get connection between the ui//agent //jupyter have shared here->
Hi @Cody Webb - it would be better if you create a github gist to share your code, I don’t think anyone will feel comfortable downloading a random zip file :)
ok cool will do one sec
Awesome thanks!
thank you chris for the timely response =]
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I probably can’t give specific advice without knowing a little more about what you’re seeing, but this is a common issue: in short, Prefect server sets up the infrastructure to host a local API (by default exposed at
) that both the agent and the UI need access to. To deploy this outside of a single local machine requires understanding how to setup the networking configuration between Docker / where the API is hosted / the browser running the UI. This blog post sheds some light on how it all ties together and might be useful to read over: https://medium.com/the-prefect-blog/prefect-server-101-deploying-to-google-cloud-platform-47354b16afe2
(although there might be others in the community who might have some thoughts!)
oh, im just trying to get it set up for prefect flows to run the more intensive jupyter cells so i dont continuously crash my notebook on long running processes
🚀 1
in that case it might be worthwhile to grab a free account for Prefect Cloud’s API / UI: https://cloud.prefect.io/ That will allow you to ignore all the networking complexities of an API and still run your flows as you want
interesting ok ill check it out
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Hi Cody, I am new in the Prefect business too. But at least I got my Docker-Anaconda (and some other Docker container) running with prefect. I tried to use GraphQL from Jupyter to communicate with Prefect-Local-Server. The magic is that you have to start all docker container with the parameter "--network prefect-server". Now you can talk to Prefect-Server: from gql import gql, Client from gql.transport.requests import RequestsHTTPTransport sample_transport=RequestsHTTPTransport( url='', verify=False, retries=3, ) client = Client( transport=sample_transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=True, ) query = gql(''' { flow(distinct_on: name) { name id description } } ''') client.execute(query)