Hello everyone, anyone have an idea on how to writ...
# prefect-community
Hello everyone, anyone have an idea on how to write a GQL query for marking as success upstream tasks? What i'm trying to do here is to run a dag from a specific task forward. I had bug in my code, fixed id, registered a new version, and now I have to rerun the dag. The thing is that alot already succesful tasks would ran again It takes almost one hour to run again.
Hi @Vitor Avancini I don’t have a mutation off of the top of my head but using
in some capacity should do the trick (if you know the task run IDs) and outside of that there are a couple other methods you could use to avoid having to rerun parts of the flow again: Using targets https://docs.prefect.io/core/idioms/targets.html to cache results of specific tasks would prevent them from having to rerun again even between registrations (given that the data at the target location still exists). File-bases storage (which feeds into the Hot Reloading Flow concept) https://docs.prefect.io/core/idioms/file-based.html would prevent you from having to reregister your flow if an error occurred and instead would pull the updated code when restarting from failed in a flow run. (this is a new feature and still under development to be expanded to other storage options besides GitHub)
that sounds alot better, thanks josh, will look into it