Hello everyone! I try to run a flow with graphql, ...
# prefect-community
Hello everyone! I try to run a flow with graphql, but failed to pass parameters. Please help! 🙂
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mutation($parameters: JSON!) {create_flow_run(input: { flow_id: "my_flow_id", parameters: $parameters }) {id}}

Argument 'input' has invalid value {flow_id: \"my_flow_id\", parameters: $parameters}.
Hi @Jennifer Meng! When substituting
with an actual flow ID, I'm able to successfully run the mutation you posted. Do you mind sharing how you're trying to run this mutation?
Thank you!! I use postman graphql post body, without passing parameters, I'd able to run it.
Hmm, I'm not super familiar with Postman, but it looks like you might need to define your variable values in a separate section? https://learning.postman.com/docs/sending-requests/supported-api-frameworks/graphql/#working-with-graphql-variables
Yes, I put them in separate section. Thank you for looking it up! May I ask how did you run it successfully?
I use a tool called Altair, which is fairly similar. Here's what my query looked like (with the flow ID edited out):
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mutation($parameters: JSON!) {create_flow_run(input: { flow_id: "my-flow-id", parameters: $parameters }) {id}}
And my variable definition section looks like this:
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  "parameters": {
    "param1": "my_param1"
I think that's identical to what you originally shared, correct?
Turn out something might be wrong with my local prefect server, I try a different server and it works. If I removed the parameters it works on my local server, so it never even occurs to my mind, this is weird! Thank you so much for helping!