Hey guys, I have a question regarding triggering ...
# prefect-community
Hey guys, I have a question regarding triggering
flows. Locally I have a flow setup and registered to the cloud backend. I can trigger the flow via the web-ui, however when running locally I get the following:
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>> cloud_flow = CloudFlowRunner(flow)
>> flow_state = cloud_flow.run(return_tasks=flow.tasks)
>> flow_state
[2020-07-14 09:37:58] INFO - prefect.CloudFlowRunner | Beginning Flow run for 'Map Reduce'
<Failed: "Could not retrieve state from Prefect Cloud">
Am I missing something here?
Hi @Bernard Greyling when running your flow locally you should be using a local
(mainly through calling `flow.run`) When running with a backend (core’s server or Cloud) you will want to use Agents to deploy your flow runs. In this case you might want to be using the Local Agent
Hi Josh. thanks for your response. I still don't follow. I have a kubernetes agent that can run the flow if scheduled via the web ui. Is there a straightforward way to trigger/schedule my local flow on that cluster?
The best way to schedule your local flow on that cluster would be to register it with the backend then start a flow run
That's the one! So what your'e saying is the following ?
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>> flow_id = flow.register('My Project')

>> state = prefect.core.client.create_flow_run(flow_id=flow_id)
>> state

<state object>
Ah here’s what you would want to do:
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flow_id = flow.register('My Project')

flow_run_id = prefect.core.client.create_flow_run(flow_id=flow_id)

# call this whenever to get current run info including state
result = prefect.core.client.get_flow_run_info(flow_run_id=flow_run_id)

Hey @josh Put this aside for a while. Got it going with:
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from prefect.client.client import Client

# init client
client = Client()

# register flow
flow_id = flow.register('My Project')

# run and retrieve state
flow_run_id = client.create_flow_run(flow_id=flow_id)
result = client.get_flow_run_info(flow_run_id=flow_run_id)