Hi all, I am trying to solve the exact same issue:...
# prefect-community
Hi all, I am trying to solve the exact same issue: https://prefect-community.slack.com/archives/CL09KU1K7/p1585863863351300 The given solution is not working for me. I want to use Parameter in shell command:
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from prefect import task, Flow, Parameter
from prefect.tasks.templates import StringFormatter
from prefect.tasks.shell import ShellTask

msg_task = StringFormatter(template='{my_string}')

shell_task = ShellTask()

with Flow("string-template") as flow:
    name = Parameter('name')

    msg_output = msg_task(my_string=name)
    shell_output_static = shell_task(command=f"echo Arthur")
    shell_output_dynamic = shell_task(command=f"echo {msg_output}")

flow_state = flow.run(name='Marvin')

# Marvin

# Arthur

# Command failed with exit code 2
👀 1
Hi @Jan Feřtek - you could try something like this:
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from prefect import task, Flow, Parameter
from prefect.tasks.shell import ShellTask

class ParameterizedShellTask(ShellTask):
  def run(self, param):
    self.command = f"echo {param}"
    super(ParameterizedShellTask, self).run()

with Flow("Dynamic Shell Tasks") as flow:
  name = Parameter("name")
  shell_output_dynamic = ParameterizedShellTask()(param=name)
🤩 1
I find that extending the ShellTask and templating the command makes it really powerful for this sort of parameterized flow
Thanks, @nicholas! Do you know why this extended class does not return stdout?
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from prefect import task, Flow, Parameter
from prefect.tasks.shell import ShellTask

class ParameterizedShellTask(ShellTask):
    def run(self, param):
        self.command = f"echo {param}"
        super(ParameterizedShellTask, self).run()

basic_shell_task = ShellTask()

with Flow("Dynamic Shell Tasks") as flow:
    shell_output_basic = basic_shell_task(command="echo Arthur")

    name = Parameter("name")
    shell_output_dynamic = ParameterizedShellTask()(param=name)

flow_state = flow.run(name="Marvin")

# Arthur

# None
Oh, I found it:
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class ParameterizedShellTask(ShellTask):
    def run(self, param):
        self.command = f"echo {param}"
        >>>return<<< super(ParameterizedShellTask, self).run()