Is there a way to set default context values for a...
# prefect-community
Is there a way to set default context values for a flow? I'm wanting to put the endpoint to hit for API services into the context, and at the minute I'm entering this by hand every time I want to run from the UI. I guess ideally any prefect context values set when registering the flow would set them as defaults.
Hey @Matt Wong-Kemp afaik there isn’t a way to set the default prefect context in terms of flow run-based context. 🤔 Quick thought, is there a reason why you aren’t using Parameters for this? They allow for defaults and can be passed / accessible to all tasks
think it was mainly because I felt dependency-injecting the API endpoint into all tasks was going to be a pain - in a sense that the endpoint you hit is part of the environment
Ah I see, you could set default environment variables for your runs through the agent if you wanted to:
Copy code
prefect agent start --env PREFECT__CONTEXT__MY_API="https..."
Can I set a context value to the value of a task? If so I could define my flow:
Copy code
with Flow('foo') as flow:
    api = Parameter('endpoint')
    with prefect.context(endpoint=api):
ok, makes sense - would be kind of nice if I could set defaults in the ui too?
maybe doing it on the agent is the right thing here actually, thanks
will it surface this value anywhere in the UI?
It will not unfortunately 😕
that's fine, I can use it as a default and override on the ui
@josh are these env vars on the agent config case-sensitive?
ie if I do
is that
or either?
Good question actually, I would have to check but I think they are case sensitive
while you're there - do they get carried across correctly in the Kubernetes agent? suspect not as they don't appear to be in my environment in the k8s job it spawns
ah hang on, I might have misinterpreted this, I thought I'd be able to set the envar on the agent and it'd be carried over
Ah wait that is actually a bug that has not been resolved!
okay, I'll just pass by hand in the UI. +1 on that