Hi Is there a way to access Prefect Agent's enviro...
# prefect-community
Hi Is there a way to access Prefect Agent's environment (K8s agent) variable in the flow Job Pod?
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Hi @Amit, You can configure the agent to set environment variables on the flow job pods. The documentation is a little out of date, so I’ll open an issue
But if you use:
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prefect agent install kubernetes --help
You should see:
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(prefect_cloud) dylanhughes@Dylans-MacBook-Pro-Prefect ~/d/cloud> prefect agent install kubernetes --help                                                                                               dev
Usage: prefect agent install [OPTIONS] NAME

  Install an agent. Outputs configuration text which can be used to install
  on various platforms. The Prefect image version will default to your local

      name                        TEXT    The name of an agent to install (e.g. `kubernetes`, `local`)

      --token, -t                 TEXT    A Prefect Cloud API token
      --label, -l                 TEXT    Labels the agent will use to query for flow runs
                                          Multiple values supported e.g. `-l label1 -l label2`
      --env, -e                   TEXT    Environment variables to set on each submitted flow run.
                                          Note that equal signs in environment variable values are not currently supported from the CLI.
                                          Multiple values supported e.g. `-e AUTH=token -e PKG_SETTING=true`
If you use that
flag I believe that should work for you
Let me know if I can help further!
Hi @Dylan thanks for help, that's very useful.
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