I am facing a cloud UI bug on chrome- when the flo...
# prefect-community
I am facing a cloud UI bug on chrome- when the flow is too large -and I visit the schematic tab, the app (cloud.prefect.io) crashes - and opening a new tab to go to cloud.prefect.io doesnt solve things, I have to open up an incognito session to clear browser session storage and resolve things
Hi @Marwan Sarieddine - when you say that opening a new tab doesn't solve things, what do you mean?
Sorry I was wrong - a new tab and going to cloud.prefect.io seems to work, but refreshing or going back to the same flow run url will cause issues ….
Ah got it @Marwan Sarieddine - we've got an open ticket to look into larger Flows for the UI schematics but for now I'd recommend using
, which will give you a similar output. Note that for larger flows that command will also take some time to run.
ok - noted - thanks 🙂