Hey, I have a question on the use of the `target` ...
# prefect-community
Hey, I have a question on the use of the
parameter of tasks for checkpointing. If I'm correct it will not run the task if it can find a file with the name specified with the
parameter. correct? I'm wondering what happens if an upstream task has been triggered. Does it still looks for the target file or does task run nonetheless because the input has changed? If not, is there a way to achieve this behavior? Thanks
Hello @as Thanks for the question. I'm not sure of the answer to this off the top of my head but I'll check with the wider team and get back to you.
If a target is specified, it will always look for the target file (and not run if found), regardless of input parameters. Note that the path of the target can be templated based on parameters in
, so if you want a different path for different cases you can switch based on that. https://docs.prefect.io/core/concepts/persistence.html#output-caching-based-on-a-file-target
Okay, I look into that in more detail. So I want to make it conditional on if a upstream task is trigger. I should template the target based on this. Eg by templating this target with the creation date of the upstream target file.