Hi folks, how you doing? I hope you're doing good ...
# prefect-community
Hi folks, how you doing? I hope you're doing good :) I'm experimenting with both Prefect and Airflow. My POC is pretty simple: 1. Query production database (MySQL) and store results; 2. Create a
with query results; 3. GZIP the
and upload it to S3; 4. Dump the uploaded file content into a Redshift table (using
with the correct settings) So I have a few questions: • A noticed that there is a P S3 task for uploading, but I guess I can't pass gzipped content to it, right? So I built a custom Task that handles the gzipping + uploading for me. Am I using the S3Upload Task wrong or for my purposes this is what I should be doing?Is there a way to generate dynamic tasks/flows? Example: with Airflow I made both a DAG and a Task factory using a
file as reference. My tasks are pretty repetitive and I only need to change some fields (source table name, destination schema/table, schedule time and incremental key). How could I achieve this with Prefect? Could you point me some directions or a documentation link? Thank you very much and congratulations for the awesome work.
Hi @Gabriel Montañola, and Welcome! Gzipping content before uploading/downloading to/from S3 sounds like a great new feature for the S3 Tasks! I’ll open an issue for this 👍. In fact, if you were interested in contributing to Prefect, adding a
parameter to the S3 tasks would be an excellent opportunity to get your hands dirty! In the meantime, that’s exactly what you should be doing (you found a task to use as a template but tweaked it to suit your needs 💯 )
I know some of our users generate flows using yaml and the like
I’m looking for an example for you
Here’s the issue I opened for your S3 question: https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect/issues/3259
Nice! I'm totally swamped right now, but I would really enjoy contributing. I'll try as soon as I can! And thanks for for helping me. I'm a one-man team right know and Airflow overburdens me with many responsibilities. I started this adventure Monday, before this I have never heard of Prefect. But the time I spent to run my first custom Flow was WAAAY faster than to run my first custom DAG. Once again, congrats for the pretty piece of engineering you folks put together.
🚀 1
Of course! Let us know how we can help =]
Also happy to help schedule a demo for Prefect Cloud if you are interested!
I can’t seem to find any specific docs on generating tasks/flows from yaml
No problem, I'll experiment meanwhile.! And about the demo, I would be interested! But I won't lie and say that I can schedule this this week or the next. So I'll reach you (if you're OK with it).
Of course!
sales at prefect dot io
is the best email for demos, or jump into intercom on https://www.prefect.io whenever you’re ready
just an update: I managed to work on something using the
on the tasks. Sorry for the blurring, I'm just testing stuff and did not use Secrets ):
And it worked alright.
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