why the hello world example is soo difficult to ru...
# prefect-community
why the hello world example is soo difficult to run? I was able to get the hello world of airflow running with in a couple hours a few years back. Now I'm trying to evaluate Prefect and it's soo hard to run a simple hello world in your hosted Prefect. it kept saying the runs are late without offering any hint what to do.
i think you are not running the agent
the agent, to my understanding, is something that collects data from the runs (maybe I'm wrong). I don't really care what collecting data, I just want to run a "hello world" program
Hi David! I highly recommend reading our documentation first - as @irchan bani suggested, you must run a Prefect Agent in order to submit flow runs for work. The agent doesn’t collect any data, it polls the API looking for work and when found, submits the work for execution. Here are some links I recommend you review: - https://docs.prefect.io/orchestration/agents/overview.html - https://docs.prefect.io/orchestration/tutorial/first.html#run-flow-with-the-prefect-api
thank you so much for the information Chris! I'll look at the doc. But regardless, the bar is too high for early adopters. I spent 8 hours and still can't get a hello world running (versus I was able to get a "hello world" airflow (in a host environment) running within 2 hours a few years back ). I thought new tools/frameworks meant to make customers life easier , no?
Thanks for the feedback - while your experience is certainly valid, it has not been the common experience of our users and customers! I believe that if you take some time to read the documentation on how Prefect is architected (which is drastically different from Airflow) you’ll find the same. And please let us know if run into any confusion in the docs, we’re always trying to improve them 👍
@David Jin this is just what i learn about prefect, just a simple hello world too, hope this will help https://github.com/irchanbani/prefect-demo
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@David Jin I watched their getting started video and it helped me a ton:

Youtube link

you may find it helpful too
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thank you guys so much! @Johnny @irchan bani
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