Are there any documentation or blog articles on ho...
# prefect-community
Are there any documentation or blog articles on how to register a flow on docker? I have the container setup and running but I cant register a flow. Getting an error with the graphql url
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: http://{name}.<|>
Theres a env variable with my host name in the .env file.
Hey jenny thanks for the reply. I have it setup like that in the test flow using the docker storage. I think my configuration variables might not be set up correctly is there anything special about the url for graphql?
Just double checking you're on Server, correct?
Is there a way to clear my config cache?
Yes my backend is pointing to server
And when you say clear your config cache, you mean your .env file? Or config.toml? Or something else?
@Jenny I was testing using the cloud locally and those values still show up in the
prefect config
idk if they are conflicting. I also see this ticket maybe my environment variable is wrong for the UI
{ "name": "PREFECT_SERVER__GRAPHQL_URL", "value": "<>" }
I was just about to comment about that. Which graphql url are you trying to set? If it's the one that your UI uses, you can currently only set that through the Home page of the UI. But a fix for issue 99 (the one you reference above) should be out soon.
If we are hosting it on a docker container we should be able to use the localhost url? We can probably remove that graph url?
Prefect Server is fully Dockerized. But yes if I'm understanding you correctly, you should be able to use localhost.