hi all - is it possible to run your agents within ...
# prefect-community
hi all - is it possible to run your agents within the cloud version do you have to run them on your own compute?
Hi @Eric, we don’t offer managed agents or execution environments at this time. However, we’re looking into more “push button get agent” integrations with Cloud partners. Keep on the lookout!
👍 1
Sorry I as in the wrong thread 🙂 thank you.
😄 1
Of course!
I think it would be helpful to not have to manage any piece of the Prefect env.
do you have any recommendations on a simple way to deploy them on AWS?
the agents would be just triggering databricks jobs and do not be running within our infra/environment
got it - thank you. I think the ability to deploy something like this within our Prefect cloud or directly to our own AWS environment using one of our keys would be helpful. I feel like its the last piece to truly make prefect cloud fully managed.
I totally agree
We’re definitely looking into this, stay tuned
thank you!