Hello - Im running a EC2 VM with prefect docker ag...
# prefect-community
Hello - Im running a EC2 VM with prefect docker agent to communicate with Prefect cloud - Right now I have kept ALL TCP (💀 ) Open on the SG to test - for production rollout - I would like to keep only the Prefect Cloud Public Ips open the Security Group Rules - My google fu failed - Can someone link to list of Prefect Cloud Public IP addresses please .
Hi @ms16 - if I understand you correctly, you have just a Prefect Agent running on that machine, which means you don't need to allow any inbound traffic (except perhaps your SSH port)
@nicholas - Thank you for your response. For SSH im using SSM . I will try to close all inbound and test.
Perfect! Then you shouldn't need any open ports because Prefect Agents work very similarly to SSM Agents, in that all communication is done via a polling model on outbound HTTP.
Let me know if you run into any issues 👍
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