Hi team, i do not see delete flow in webhook stora...
# prefect-community
Hi team, i do not see delete flow in webhook storage, does that mean I need to manage the deletion by myself? Thanks
Hi @Alfie - If I understand your question, you're asking how to delete a flow? You can use the UI delete flow button on the top of a flow page or the delete_flow mutation in the API.
thanks @Jenny , I mean what will happen when I delete a flow using webhook storage. The flow is stored via web api and into a database. Will the db record be deleted too? But I do not see this part in the doc
Ah I get you. Let me check that!
Hi @Alfie - simple answer - yes, you'd need to manage that yourself. Longer explanation is that Prefect Cloud and Server don't have write access to your infrastructure which is a good thing from a security point of view but means that we can't delete for you.
Got it, thanks
👍 1