Hi there! I am trying to get started, and I'm wond...
# prefect-community
Hi there! I am trying to get started, and I'm wondering if there are any good architecture diagrams to get oriented within the Prefect ecosystem?
Hey @Billy McMonagle, I'd recommend

starting with this video tutorial

to get yourself oriented. Laura does an amazing job not only going through the development process of a Prefect flow, but also does a brief synopsis on Prefect's architecture between the 11400 - 12000 mark.
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Hey @Kyle Moon-Wright, this looks great - thanks! I'm up and running locally but there's a big difference between hello world and production 🙂
Btw I've been wanting to dive into Prefect ever since I saw @Jeremiah give a great talk at PyData DC back in 2018, really excited to give it a closer look.
Awesome! You may have missed some cool stuff since then, I'd also recommend checking our the Prefect Blog with all the latest news and this handy set of Prefect Idioms - examples that feature new functionality in code. 😃
Oh super, this is great.
Welcome Billy!
🙏 1
My initial thought is that we'd run a fargate service with the Prefect agent, and launch flows inside of new fargate tasks... is that a fairly typical configuration?
Utilizing Fargate is definitely a popular option for a Prefect deployment to take advantage of serverless configurations, second in popularity only to a Kubernetes setup, just keep in mind that you'll need an Agent to poll the API for scheduled/incomplete work. To get started thinking about your setup, I think this community has some of the best resources: you can simply search 'fargate' here and get many resources like this discussion.
Amazing, I will be re-reading that thread after finishing the tutorial video. We are "serverless-first" at my job, which is why I'm thinking Fargate. We also have just moved our production workloads to k8s - it's awesome to have that option, too, if needed.