Hi All, I’m trying to create a flow with Prefect w...
# prefect-community
Hi All, I’m trying to create a flow with Prefect which will only be triggered on demand, it should not be triggered on a schedule. I’m new to Prefect this is my first project. I could not find this in documentation. If anyone has done this before please help me out. Thanks in advance.
Triggered on demand is the default.
also, even if you define it with a schedule, you can still trigger it on demand (using the UI or graphql request)
Thanks Avi, So, do you think I can define a flow without a Schedule, like?
Copy code
with Flow(job["flow_name"] + " (" + env + ")", schedule = None) as flow:
yes, you don’t need to specify
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Thanks a lot Avi, really appreciate your advice
👍🏼 1