So i was able to narrow it down to a such case: im...
# prefect-community
So i was able to narrow it down to a such case: imagine you have a flow with two branches, one branch is a long-running and other is short lived and may fail. So if short branch fails, its dependencies are triggerfailed. If i re-run failed task in a still running flow, its state is set to pending and nothing happens. Flow finishes when long task fininished and this task is still in pending state. But, if before re-running failed task i set downstream triggerfailed task to pending state, re-running failed task executes as expected. Is this a bug?
Hi @Alexander - can you give us some idea of your setup? For example it'd be helpful to know where you're running your flows/which agent you're using/if you have results configured on your upstream tasks etc.
Ah yeah sure, if that helps. I am running prefect server with docker agent and localdaskexecutor. This is a sample flow i managed to write that seems like reproduces the issue. How to use: touch /tmp/fail and run flow. problem task fails. Then rm /tmp/fail and re-run flow run from failed problem task while long running task is still in progress
If you set downstream task from triggerfailed to pending before re-running it will work properly
Ah ok, and this is on Prefect Server, correct?
(that you're re-running the flow)
Which version of Prefect Core did you spin up Server from?
Copy code
Great, let me investigate this quickly, thanks @Alexander
❤️ 1
Alright! Would you mind upgrading to the latest version of Prefect Core and then restarting your Server?
I believe the bug you're experiencing is documented here: and was resolved in 0.13.15
@nicholas unfortunately issue still there. Using 0.13.16 everywhere. I started flow, the problem task failed, its downstream triggerfailed, i restarted problem task and it stuck at pending state
And the logs but nothing helpful there i suppose
But IF i restart the whole flow run while long task is still running it is successfully clears downstream and problem task states and runs them
Got it - I'm testing with your flow in just a minute here but how are you restarting the task? I think your issue might be resolved if you use the
button on the task run page itself, rather than manually setting the state
But in this case it marks whole flow run failed even if my failed tasks restarted.
I use restart button on task run page
Ok great, then I think you've done what you need to, let me see if there's more we can look at otherwise I'll open a bug ticket
Yeah appreciated it, i am here to provide any additional context if needed
🙂 1
Following up on this, I believe I've identified the problem, which was a UI bug where the task run dialog was failing to correctly identify downstream task runs (and thereby never set their states correctly). Fix here:
🎉 1