hi there, I'm having trouble with building Docker ...
# prefect-community
hi there, I'm having trouble with building Docker images where I have multiple files of the same filename but in different paths, does anybody know if this is a bug?
Hi @Alex Koay I’m not sure I follow what you’re attempting to do. Could you post a reproducible example?
hey @josh I've attached a screenshot I'm adding files that have the same name but reside in different folders (
would appear multiple times for modules) but here I'm using
instead of
for brevity
Hmm that’s interesting, could be a bug. If you give your two flow files different names does it work by any chance?
yup if I give it different filenames it works
ok I've gone through the function and determined that the problem lies with it using only the filename during copy -- perhaps using the full path with separators replaced by underscores will fix the problem
in the meantime, it seems that the files parameter also supports taking entire directories (which should fix this issue)
anybody found a solution to this?