Hello friends, happy Monday. I’m getting a strange...
# prefect-community
Hello friends, happy Monday. I’m getting a strange error in Prefect regarding
Failed to set task state with error: HTTPError('413 Client Error: Request Entity Too Large for url: <https://api.prefect.io/graphql>')
— whats the best way to debug this?
It occurs between two tasks, where the first task is passing a list of filenames to the second. I suspect that list of filenames results in a query that is too large? But surely that is not sent to the API?
Hi @Adam - what type of Result configuration are you using for this task / for your flow?
Hi @Chris White, we’re not using any
What is your Flow’s storage configuration?
Docker. I recently updated to agent to 0.13.18 but the flow might still be on 0.13.8. Could that be an issue?
hmmm no, I don’t think so; without a result configuration I’m really surprised your state object was large. If you can reproduce this, perhaps do the following:
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def size_handler(task, old, new):
    <http://prefect.context.logger.info|prefect.context.logger.info>(f"State {new} has serialized representation: {new.serialize()}")
and then add this as a state handler to your affected task:
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# or

and you’ll probably want to look at the logs in STDOUT because there’s a chance this log will be rejected by the API as well because it might be large
Thanks @Chris White, I’ll try the above
Hi @Chris White, here is the output of the state handler:
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State <Running: "Starting task run."> has serialized representation: {'message': 'Starting task run.', 'context': {'tags': []}, 'cached_inputs': {}, '_result': {'__version__': '0.13.18', 'type': 'NoResultType'}, '__version__': '0.13.18', 'type': 'Running'}
Although from looking at the stdout logs, it appears that my code is somehow logging contents of a file to stdout. As I am using
for this task, it seems thats the culprit. Very strange though that its outputting the contents of a file. This is one of the methods that gets called from within the task
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def clean_file(filepath: str):
    print(f"Cleaning file {filepath}")
    filename = path.basename(filepath)
    with open(filepath, "r") as fin:
        data = fin.read().splitlines(True)
        for index, value in enumerate(data):
            data[index] = "|".join([filename, value])
    with open(filepath, "w") as fout:
        # skip line 1 (header) and skip last line (footer)
        fout.writelines(data[1 : len(data) - 1])
    return filepath
It appears
is coming up on stdout rather than into the file. Or am I mistaken?
I’ve removed all
and explicity use the prefect logger, but I’m still seeing the actual file written to stdout. It used to work though, so very confused 😕
Locally when running
I don’t have this issue though
So the original traceback was for a state, logs are batched up in the background and wouldn’t cause a state update failure; you only posted the serialized form for the
state — what did the final state look like?
Hi @Chris White So I’m no longer seeing the “set task state” error, but I am seeing this error:
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Failed to write log with error: 413 Client Error: Request Entity Too Large for url: <https://api.prefect.io/graphql>
It never proceeds further than a few of those errors as eventually it says
No heartbeat detected from the remote task; marking the run as failed.
That being said, when I look at the actual logs on the container, I see a file being printed which shouldn’t be (it seems this file being printed is sent as a log). I have disabled all
properties on the task though. Any ideas?
Hey @Chris White, good morning 🙂 Any ideas? Do you have any idea why writing to a file is logged to stdout when running in Kuebrnetes, but not locally?
It’s causing one of our main ETL jobs to fail :(
Hey @Adam - I think this will be better as a GitHub issue w/ some code snippets - I don’t have enough information to debug here; the symptoms you’re describing appear contradictory to me; the failure to write a log has no bearing on the final state of your task runs, so there’s something missing that we’ll need to identify
Sure, will post as an issue with the code snippets
👍 👍