Hello hello dear folks, A very basic question - ju...
# prefect-community
Hello hello dear folks, A very basic question - just started looking at the tool. If I understand correctly the cloud version deals only with UI, scheduling, etc. and we still need to provide our own infrastructure to host code (storage) and run the work (agents). There is no fully managed service. Am I following along correctly?
Yes this is true. Cloud is a fully managed “Prefect Server / UI” service but it is actually core to our model that your code and work runs on your own infrastructure such that we cannot so your proprietary information.
Okie dokes - so at least I can still read 🙂
We do strive to make it really easy to host the code and install an agent across many services though 🙂
Will keep on reading then 😄
Wanted to ask what's the simplest option, but I guess it depends. Will come back if I have more questions. Thank you for information and your time. 👍
It definitely depends! If you’re just getting started I’d recommend just running a LocalAgent to get a feel for it. Frequently using Docker storage and a DockerAgent will be best so you can run your flow reproducibly in a container. The DockerAgent runs great locally then you can scale it to running on several servers if needed. Then to really scale out, you can switch to a K8s cluster with a KubernetesAgent.
Heads up that we’re refactoring some of this right now (all of the old routes will be supported for quite some time) and new documentation on configuring flow runs will be up next week!
So if I start kicking the tyres with a bit more gusto from next week - I'll be consulting newly updated docs...
That's a good tip - saves learning old and new way