<@UN6FTLFAS> <@UNLGTNRRT> I am also running into t...
# prefect-community
@nicholas @Aiden Price I am also running into this error. Not using
the graph is fine. The flow runs but is incorrect in the sense that the
statement is not mapped over. With
the execution graph is messy with lots of loops and just plain wrong.
Hi @itay livni - was this intended to be in a thread? I'm not really sure of the context for your message.
Hi Nicholas, I believe @itay livni is referring to my message from earlier on; https://prefect-community.slack.com/archives/CL09KU1K7/p1607732581070700
Ahh, that's helpful, thanks @Aiden Price! I apologize, I didn't get a chance to look back at that, let me look now.
👍 1
@itay livni are you able to provide some small example that you're working with? It looks like you had attached some code but removed it
@Aiden Price Thanks! yes put the thread in the wrong place. BTW: Which prefect version are you on?@nicholas I will try yo reproduce something tonight and post it..
Much appreciated! 🙏 I came up with some trivial examples and didn't see anything amiss but there's likely a common pattern here
I never did figure out what caused my problem, but I ended up solving it with multiple clocks with different default parameters.
@nicholas @Aiden Price Ok - Here is toy code that I think replicates the issue we might be running into. If you see a logic error let me know. https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect/issues/3890
That's really helpful @itay livni - since you've opened that ticket, I'll let the Core team triage (they're more equipped to dive into the details there).
👍 1
@nicholas sorry for being a pain here. Could you alert somebody in the core team to the issue I opened. I've gotten no response --And I'm just stuck. Thanks. Happy Holidays
Hi @itay livni - just spoke with the Core team and they'll look into the issue when they can; no big ideas yet since that's a more rarely-used feature. Otherwise you should post updates to the ticket itself since that will be easier to track.
Cool. Thanks