Hello Team, I'm trying to run test flow, the probl...
# prefect-community
Hello Team, I'm trying to run test flow, the problem is that no one task except first is called, any ideas?
Hi @Vitaly Shulgin - would you mind modifying your original message to remove the logs output and place it in this thread? It blocks visibility to others' messages.
(as a rule, please try to thread your messages when there are large chunks of code, stack traces, or pictures!)
log entries
Copy code
[2020-12-18 12:07:48+0300] INFO - prefect.FlowRunner | Beginning Flow run for 'testing-etl-visitors'
[2020-12-18 12:07:48+0300] DEBUG - prefect.FlowRunner | Using executor type LocalExecutor
[2020-12-18 12:07:48+0300] DEBUG - prefect.FlowRunner | Flow 'testing-etl-visitors': Handling state change from Scheduled to Running
[2020-12-18 12:07:48+0300] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'context_init': Starting task run...
[2020-12-18 12:07:48+0300] DEBUG - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'context_init': Handling state change from Pending to Running
[2020-12-18 12:07:48+0300] DEBUG - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'context_init': Calling task.run() method...
[2020-12-18 12:07:50+0300] DEBUG - prefect.context_init | Initializing context ...
[2020-12-18 12:07:50+0300] DEBUG - prefect.context_init | Initializing injector ...
[2020-12-18 12:07:50+0300] DEBUG - prefect.context_init | Initialized injector successfully
[2020-12-18 12:07:50+0300] DEBUG - prefect.context_init | Succeeded with auth for firebase <<https://onedebot.firebaseio.com/visitors.json>>
[2020-12-18 12:07:50+0300] DEBUG - prefect.context_init | Initialized context successfully
[2020-12-18 12:07:50+0300] DEBUG - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'context_init': Handling state change from Running to Success
[2020-12-18 12:07:50+0300] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'context_init': Finished task run for task with final state: 'Success'
[2020-12-18 12:07:50+0300] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'visitors_extract': Starting task run...
[2020-12-18 12:07:50+0300] DEBUG - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'visitors_extract': Handling state change from Pending to Running
[2020-12-18 12:07:50+0300] DEBUG - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'visitors_extract': Calling task.run() method...
[2020-12-18 12:07:50+0300] DEBUG - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'visitors_extract': Handling state change from Running to Success
[2020-12-18 12:07:50+0300] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'visitors_extract': Finished task run for task with final state: 'Success'
[2020-12-18 12:07:51+0300] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'visitors_transform': Starting task run...
[2020-12-18 12:07:51+0300] DEBUG - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'visitors_transform': Handling state change from Pending to Running
[2020-12-18 12:07:51+0300] DEBUG - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'visitors_transform': Calling task.run() method...
[2020-12-18 12:07:51+0300] DEBUG - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'visitors_transform': Handling state change from Running to Success
[2020-12-18 12:07:51+0300] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'visitors_transform': Finished task run for task with final state: 'Success'
[2020-12-18 12:07:51+0300] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'filter_visitor_by_user_agent': Starting task run...
[2020-12-18 12:07:51+0300] DEBUG - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'filter_visitor_by_user_agent': Handling state change from Pending to Failed
[2020-12-18 12:07:51+0300] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'filter_visitor_by_user_agent': Finished task run for task with final state: 'Failed'
[2020-12-18 12:07:51+0300] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'filter_final': Starting task run...
[2020-12-18 12:07:51+0300] DEBUG - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'filter_final': Handling state change from Pending to Failed
[2020-12-18 12:07:51+0300] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'filter_final': Finished task run for task with final state: 'Failed'
[2020-12-18 12:07:51+0300] INFO - prefect.FlowRunner | Flow run FAILED: some reference tasks failed.
[2020-12-18 12:07:51+0300] DEBUG - prefect.FlowRunner | Flow 'testing-etl-visitors': Handling state change from Running to Failed
Copy code
with Flow("testing-etl-visitors") as flow:
    logger = prefect.context.get("logger")

    init_succeeded      = context_init()
    json_data           = visitors_extract(init_succeeded)
    all_visitors        = visitors_transform(json_data)
    filtered_visitors   = filter_visitor_by_user_agent.map(all_visitors)
    final_visitors      = filter_final.map(filtered_visitors)

result = flow.run()
Thanks @Vitaly Shulgin!
To your question: do you have some tasks you can post as well?
My guess is there's something up with the construction of your tasks
@nicholas yes, you're right, figured it out, there is
, which prevents task to be executed as expected
That makes sense! Glad you got it figured out.