Hi Prefect Experts, UI fails to connect to the `gr...
# prefect-community
Hi Prefect Experts, UI fails to connect to the
, not sure what causing this , any idea
~/.prefect/config.toml as below
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# debug mode
debug = false

# base configuration directory (typically you won't change this!)
home_dir = "~/.prefect"

backend = "cloud"

host = "<>"
port = "4200"
host_port = "4200"
endpoint = "${server.host}:${server.port}"

    host = ""
    port = "5433"
    host_port = "5433"
    name = "prefect_server"
    username = "prefect"
    # set to "" to generate a random password each time the database starts
    password = "test-password"
    connection_url = "postgresql://${server.database.username}:${server.database.password}@${server.database.host}:${server.database.port}/${server.database.name}"
    volume_path = "${home_dir}/pg_data"

    host = ""
    port = "4201"
    host_port = "4201"
    debug = false
    path = "/graphql/"

    host = ""
    port = "3000"
    host_port = "3000"
    admin_secret = "" # a string. One will be automatically generated if not provided.
    claims_namespace = "hasura-claims"
    graphql_url = "http://${server.hasura.host}:${server.hasura.port}/v1alpha1/graphql"
    ws_url = "ws://${server.hasura.host}:${server.hasura.port}/v1alpha1/graphql"
    execute_retry_seconds = 10

    host = "<>"
    port = "8089"
    host_port = "8089"
    endpoint = "${server.ui.host}:${server.ui.port}"
    apollo_url = "<>"

    enabled = true

api = "${${backend}.endpoint}"
endpoint = "<https://api.prefect.io>"
graphql = "${cloud.api}/graphql"
use_local_secrets = true
heartbeat_interval = 30.0
check_cancellation_interval = 15.0
diagnostics = false

# rate at which to batch upload logs
logging_heartbeat = 5

queue_interval = 30.0

    name = "agent"
    labels = "[]"

    # Set to `DEBUG` for verbose logging
    level = "INFO"

    # Agents require different API tokens
    auth_token = ""

    # Internal address for agent health checks, etc...
    agent_address = ""

        # Separate loop interval for resource managers
        loop_interval = 60

level = "INFO"

# The log format
format = "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s - %(name)s | %(message)s"

# additional log attributes to extract from context
# e.g., log_attributes = "['context_var']"
log_attributes = "[]"

# the timestamp format
datefmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z"

# Send logs to Prefect Cloud
log_to_cloud = false

# Extra loggers for Prefect log configuration
extra_loggers = "[]"

# If true, edges are checked for cycles as soon as they are added to the flow. If false,
# cycles are only checked when tasks are sorted (for example, when running or
# serializing the flow). Defaults to false because it can affect the performance of
# large flows.
eager_edge_validation = false
# If true, `flow.run` will run on schedule by default.
# If false, only a single execution will occur (no retries, etc.)
run_on_schedule = true
# If true, tasks which set `checkpoint=True` will have their result handlers called
checkpointing = false

        # Whether to include a storage's default labels. Useful for
        # controlling Agent's workflows.
        add_default_labels = true
        # the default storage class, specified using a full path
        default_class = "prefect.storage.Local"


    # the number of times tasks retry before they fail.
    # false indicates that tasks should never retry (equivalent to max_retries = 0)
    max_retries = false

    # the amount of time tasks should wait before retrying, in seconds.
    # false indicates that tasks have no default value (users must specify one to set it)
    retry_delay = false



    # the default executor, specified using a full path
    default_class = "prefect.executors.LocalExecutor"

        # the default scheduler address for the DaskExecutor.
        address = ""

        # the default Cluster class to use to create a temporary dask cluster
        cluster_class = "distributed.deploy.local.LocalCluster"

    # the default flow runner, specified using a full path
    default_class = "prefect.engine.flow_runner.FlowRunner"

    # the default task runner, specified using a full path
    default_class = "prefect.engine.task_runner.TaskRunner"
docker ps | grep prefect
#netstat -ltnp
any clue is much appreciated , thank you!
Change backend to
since you're using prefect server rather than prefect cloud
Hi @Amanda Wee, thanks for the clue, but unfortunately still no luck , apart from
I've tried following
Prefect Server GraphQL endpoint:
, do you see any other issues in my config file? any suggestions make this work ? thank you very much!
How are you starting prefect server?
Also, the docs state that "user configuration only needs to contain values you want to change", so if you're only customising the database and the ui, it'll be best to only provide those custom settings
ahh... i see, I'll update the config.toml accordingly, thanks
I start the prefect server like this , @Amanda Wee, thanks
prefect backend server
and then
prefect server start
any issues the way how I start the Prefect server?
Ah. Then my guess is that the additional configuration might be messing with how the docker network is doing things, so only changing the configs you need to change could help. Like for the ui, I suspect the default apollo_url (which if I remember correctly references the container as specified in the Dockerfile rather than an address) will do
sure , I'll try changing the
and let you know, thanks a lot @Amanda Wee
Oops I'm mistaken: ui's apollo_url does default to localhost. But say, perhaps the hasura host should be kept to localhost. So better to tweak what you know you need to change first.
👀 1
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This is the latest config.toml i tried , but still no luck...
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# debug mode
debug = true

# base configuration directory (typically you won't change this!)
home_dir = "~/.prefect"

backend = "server"

host = "<http://localhost>"
port = "4200"
host_port = "4200"
endpoint = "${server.host}:${server.port}"

    host = ""
    port = "5433"
    host_port = "5433"
    name = "prefect_server"
    username = "prefect"
    # set to "" to generate a random password each time the database starts
    password = "test-password"
    connection_url = "postgresql://${server.database.username}:${server.database.password}@${server.database.host}:${server.database.port}/${server.database.name}"
    volume_path = "${home_dir}/pg_data"

    host = ""
    port = "4201"
    host_port = "4201"
    debug = true
    path = "/graphql/"

    host = "localhost"
    port = "3000"
    host_port = "3000"
    admin_secret = "" # a string. One will be automatically generated if not provided.
    claims_namespace = "hasura-claims"
    graphql_url = "http://${server.hasura.host}:${server.hasura.port}/v1alpha1/graphql"
    ws_url = "ws://${server.hasura.host}:${server.hasura.port}/v1alpha1/graphql"
    execute_retry_seconds = 10

    host = "<http://localhost>"
    port = "8089"
    host_port = "8089"
    endpoint = "${server.ui.host}:${server.ui.port}"
    apollo_url = "<http://localhost:4200/graphql>"

    enabled = true

api = "${${backend}.endpoint}"
endpoint = "<https://api.prefect.io>"
graphql = "${cloud.api}/graphql"
use_local_secrets = true
heartbeat_interval = 30.0
check_cancellation_interval = 15.0
diagnostics = false

# rate at which to batch upload logs
logging_heartbeat = 5

queue_interval = 30.0

    name = "agent"
    labels = "[]"

    # Set to `DEBUG` for verbose logging
    level = "INFO"

    # Agents require different API tokens
    auth_token = ""

    # Internal address for agent health checks, etc...
    agent_address = ""

        # Separate loop interval for resource managers
        loop_interval = 60

level = "INFO"

# The log format
format = "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s - %(name)s | %(message)s"

# additional log attributes to extract from context
# e.g., log_attributes = "['context_var']"
log_attributes = "[]"

# the timestamp format
datefmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z"

# Send logs to Prefect Cloud
log_to_cloud = false

# Extra loggers for Prefect log configuration
extra_loggers = "[]"

# If true, edges are checked for cycles as soon as they are added to the flow. If false,
# cycles are only checked when tasks are sorted (for example, when running or
# serializing the flow). Defaults to false because it can affect the performance of
# large flows.
eager_edge_validation = false
# If true, `flow.run` will run on schedule by default.
# If false, only a single execution will occur (no retries, etc.)
run_on_schedule = true
# If true, tasks which set `checkpoint=True` will have their result handlers called
checkpointing = false

        # Whether to include a storage's default labels. Useful for
        # controlling Agent's workflows.
        add_default_labels = true
        # the default storage class, specified using a full path
        default_class = "prefect.storage.Local"


    # the number of times tasks retry before they fail.
    # false indicates that tasks should never retry (equivalent to max_retries = 0)
    max_retries = false

    # the amount of time tasks should wait before retrying, in seconds.
    # false indicates that tasks have no default value (users must specify one to set it)
    retry_delay = false



    # the default executor, specified using a full path
    default_class = "prefect.executors.LocalExecutor"

        # the default scheduler address for the DaskExecutor.
        address = ""

        # the default Cluster class to use to create a temporary dask cluster
        cluster_class = "distributed.deploy.local.LocalCluster"

    # the default flow runner, specified using a full path
    default_class = "prefect.engine.flow_runner.FlowRunner"

    # the default task runner, specified using a full path
    default_class = "prefect.engine.task_runner.TaskRunner"
@Amanda Wee, any suggestions ? thanks 🙏
and kindly note that I've tested just isolating required parameters also , but no luck @Amanda Wee ,thanks