Hello Prefect community! Is there a way to make Pr...
# prefect-community
Hello Prefect community! Is there a way to make Prefect stop trying to execute a flow? There’s a pod in my Kubernetes cluster that is labelled with a particular flow run ID. It will never succeed because I took down the Docker registry it depends on. If I delete this pod, Prefect will create another one. The button in the Prefect UI to cancel the flow run was greyed out, so I simply deleted the flow run with the
GraphQL mutation, thinking that without the flow run's DB entry, Prefect would stop trying to execute it. That removed the flow run from the UI, but if I delete the associated Kubernetes pod, Prefect still recreates it. I found no subcommand in the
CLI tool that can solve this problem, either. Is there any way to stop Prefect from doing this?
Hi @Jeremy Phelps, I am not sure if this would work, but can you use the
button upright the flow run view and set the State to Finished?
I tried that. It didn't work.
Retries are associated with tasks, not with flows. Therefore, I suppose that flow runs are being created by the scheduler, isn’t it? If this is the case maybe you can disable the scheduling
I created the flow run manually.
Oh I see. In that case it might be a bug (or not, just that it cannot start the flow so it try and try again). Sorry I cannot help! 🙂
The flow run pod is likely being launched by a K8s
which you’d need to delete
Thanks! That worked.
Wonderful 🙂 basically it was Kubernetes trying to run it over and over, not Prefect. We’ll look into improving the experience in this edge case though.