Has anyone ever seen these null labels on the pref...
# prefect-community
Has anyone ever seen these null labels on the prefect web ui (Grey bars)
Hey @Vincent, I believe I know the reason you’re seeing these labels, when did you kick off this flow run?
recently - 11 January 2021 6:42pm
Hmm, we are aware of this issue and just released a fix fairly recently, so this should be rectified. For your reference, this was the issue in question that has now been merged, but let us know if you continue to see this behavior.
Thanks! Will this affect the existing flow? Also is the change transparent, or will I need to upgrade my prefect version?
Will this affect the existing flow?
Hmm, I think the change will not affect this particular FlowRun if it is in-flight.
Also is the change transparent, or will I need to upgrade my prefect version?
Nope! This was on the Cloud side, so all of your Flow Runs from here on out shouldn’t exhibit this null label behavior.
🙌 1
Hi @Kyle Moon-Wright I sent another job and still see these null values.