Hi all. My team is using the `StartFlowRun` task t...
# prefect-community
Hi all. My team is using the
task to build "flow-within-a-flow" pipelines, i.e. Flow A includes the
task X, and task X starts Flow B. We would like to use the graphql API to track metadata on our flows. Is there a way to query flows such that for Flow B, we can see that it corresponds to task X, or at least, that it is originated from Flow A?
Hi Joyce - assuming you are using a recent enough version of Prefect Core, you should be able to query for flow runs that have an idempotency key matching a task run ID of task X
🙌 1
upvote 1
Thanks @Chris White, that worked!
Awesome - glad I could help!
@Marvin archive “How to identify the parent Flow Run / Task Run that created another Flow Run using the StartFlowRun Task”