Hello all, I am attempting to set up Slack Notific...
# prefect-community
Hello all, I am attempting to set up Slack Notifications for my flow and am following https://docs.prefect.io/core/advanced_tutorials/slack-notifications.html#installation-instructions. I have successfully installed the prefect app into my workspace and have been able to test the connection with success. However, I am unable to have it output information based on my actual flow. I receive the following error:
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Exception raised while calling state handlers: ClientError('400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: <http://host.docker.internal:4200/graphql>\n\nThe following error messages were provided by the GraphQL server:\n\n GRAPHQL_VALIDATION_FAILED: Cannot query field "secret_value" on type "Query".\n\nThe GraphQL query was:\n\n query($name: String!) {\n secret_value(name: $name)\n }\n\nThe passed variables were:\n\n {"name": "SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL"}\n')
what am I doing wrong? I have @task(state_handlers=[slack_notifier]) set for the task I am testing out the notification for.
Hey @Matthew Blau, Did you provide your
by some means, perhaps as a secret in your config.toml file? Just checking here first. If this isn’t the issue, then there may be some version mismatch - so I’d recommend updating to the latest version of Prefect or at least ensuring the flow you are submitting is a lesser version than your Server and Agent.
@Kyle Moon-Wright I have the webhook url set in the config.toml, yes. Would I need to restart prefect for it to be parsed, or will it parse it without needing to restart prefect?
Hmm, you may need to restart your Server instance, but I’m not sure - let me check. -> I believe updating your config.toml file for values like this shouldn’t necessitate a restart, but a restart could help as Server is a bit of a different beast.
@Kyle Moon-Wright I have restarted the server as well as adjusted the Slack Cloud hook to send a message on every status change. In Slack I get a message upon flow run scheduled, submitted for execution, running, and failed. Failed gives me the error message of
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[1 Feb 2021 3:21pm]: Exception raised while calling state handlers: ClientError('400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: <http://host.docker.internal:4200/graphql>\n\nThe following error messages were provided by the GraphQL server:\n\n GRAPHQL_VALIDATION_FAILED: Cannot query field "secret_value" on type "Query".\n\nThe GraphQL query was:\n\n query($name: String!) {\n secret_value(name: $name)\n }\n\nThe passed variables were:\n\n {"name": "SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL"}\n')
So it would appear that something is working, but is failing further down the chain of execution. I have the Slack Cloudhook set in the UI
Removing state_handler=[slack_notifier] from the @task decoration yields similar results, but this time the error in the logs is the error I expect it to be, but slack still gets a notification of "Some reference tasks failed"
I assume that I would need to do something more in depth than this to get the error message from the logs to appear in the Slack message, yes? And if so, where can I read for an example of this?
You can adapt the handler code from the prefect github repo to do things a little differently.
Yep agreed, check out this example of a custom
using Slack rather than the
I have adjusted the state handler to be
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def post_to_slack(task, old_state, new_state):
    my_secret = Secret("SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL").get()
    if new_state.is_retrying():
        msg = "Task {0} failed and is retrying at {1}".format(task, new_state.start_time)

        # replace URL with your Slack webhook URL
        <http://requests.post|requests.post>(my_secret, json={"text": msg})
    elif new_state.is_failed():
        msg = "Task {0} failed".format(task)

     # replace URL with your Slack webhook URL
        <http://requests.post|requests.post>(my_secret, json={"text": msg})

    return new_state
following that link you provided @Kyle Moon-Wright and I am still experiencing the error in my initial message. Not completely sure what I am doing wrong at present