Hey all! One of the useful things we can do in air...
# prefect-community
Hey all! One of the useful things we can do in airflow is to set a start date of a task far back in the past and it will run through all the “missed” executions until its up to date. Great for polling down a ton of historical data. Is there functionality within Prefect for this? Ive been trying to see if theres some way of configuring Clocks/schedules, etc, but on the face value Im not sure if this will have the wanted behaviour.
It's not the exact same question bit I think Jeremiah's answer here should help: https://prefect-community.slack.com/archives/CL09KU1K7/p1611860949414500?thread_ts=1611860949.414500&cid=CL09KU1K7 But please let us know if any other questions!
That does indeed help, thanks a ton!
👍 1