Asking here for better reach, as I see that this c...
# prefect-community
Asking here for better reach, as I see that this channel has more members (originally asked in perfect-ui channel): "Hi all, can you please help me to understand such a behaviour? When I run my flow in UI, the tasks are scheduled and staying in pending state. I used GitHub storage, running it locally (run_config=LocalRun(labels=["dev", "maps"])). Local agent has the very same labels. Originally, when storage was local as well, everything was running smoothly, when triggered run via UI. I looked at docs, looked through slack and haven't found anything useful."
👍 1
@Karolína Bzdušek if you manage to resolve this, please tag me, Im in a very similar bucket
1. are you using server or cloud? 2. your flow's
set doesn't have anything in it that's not a part of your agent's label set?
1. cloud 2. no, my flow's label set is subset of agent's label et
so the only thing that changed from once instance of your flow being registered to another is that the storage option went from local to github?
(sorry just want to make sure i'm understanding the facts fully)
yes, that's correct. I only change storage option from local to GitHub.