Not sure where to post this, few of my notes regar...
# prefect-community
Not sure where to post this, few of my notes regarding docs • at page about Secrets, one want to click to redirect to the link about AWS/GitHub/Twitter Credentials, and got only 404 error. ( • As I am trying to find out what GitHub token I should store (GitHub is a storage under company account in private repo), I found out that one of the option of the storage is "ref", which I somewhere (I forgot where in docs) found out is set to default "master". I think it would be nice to have this mentioned, the was one of the reasons why it couldn't find the repo (our default name for the branch is "main", doesn't occur to me that could be a problem).
Hi @Karolína Bzdušek - thanks for the feedback! Typically the best place for this is our GitHub repo, but I can automatically open a ticket from this slack thread so no worries @Marvin open “Github / Secrets documentation feedback”
👍 1
@Chris White thanks! I'll do in the future 🙂 [as Prefect would stick in our environment]
😄 1
which I somewhere (I forgot where in docs) found out is set to default "master".
As of 0.14.5 (latest release was 0.14.7),
storage will load from a repo's default branch, removing the hardcoded "master". So if you're on a recent version, you shouldn't need to set a branch name to use your main branch.
👍 1