Hi, I want to limit my agent to running only a sin...
# prefect-community
Hi, I want to limit my agent to running only a single flow / task. I thought I read about this functionality somewhere, but am unable to find it. Do you know where this is explained?
Hey @Ruben Flow concurrency is a Prefect Cloud-only feature, are you using Prefect Cloud or Prefect Server/Core?
Prefect Server/Core
Ok, so there’s no out-of-the-box feature to limit flow concurrency. One viable option is to use Prefect GraphQL client to check for other flow runs.
I’m currently querying with GraphQL for running flowruns. And then identifying the agents registered to these runs. These labels are then removed from the potential label list. So an already running agent is never given a new task.
Furthermore there is a waiting task which waites until a system comes available