Hi All, anyone can get flows from Azure DevOps ser...
# prefect-community
Hi All, anyone can get flows from Azure DevOps service successfully using git storage? I got this error "Failed to load and execute Flow's environment: HTTPUnauthorized('No valid credentials provided')". It seems that git storage doesn't support private access token to access azure devops? This is my code: flow.storage = Git(     repo="xxxxxxx/prefect/_git/prefect",                            # name of repo     flow_path ="./flows/azuredevops.py",                    # location of flow file in repo     branch_name ="main",     repo_host="xxxxx@dev.azure.com",                    # repo host name     git_token_secret_name ="azuresecret" )
It does. It’s just the format is hard to figure out. I tested it and detailed it here .
💯 1
It works perfectly! Thanks Kevin.
👍 1
Hi David. Are you using prefect cloud in this case? I am experiencing same issue with prefect cloud. What format is your devops url? dev.azure.com/org or org.visualstudio.com thx
I am just curious, why are you on Azure Devops? Is there no Github integration on Azure? I was on DevOps at my last job and it’s a bit painful
Azure DevOps supports all Git clients. Theoretically, If tools are compatible with Git, they could be compatible with Azure DevOps. We use Azure DevOps because of Corporate policy though.
Ahh that’s good to know!
Hey Kevin. Unfortunately, I still get anonying NotGitRepository error when I try your example above. I did following https://username:PAT@dev.azure.com/org/project/_git/repo this may sound stupid but what did I miss🤣
@Xiaoshen Hou, if your corp uses AAD, make sure the username is the userid in AAD .
and that PAT should have more than "read" privilege.
hey @David Yang, thx for the tip, the userid, do you refer to the user principle name or object id in AAD?
I used UPN. not object id
I must say I've tried to add both and even add the PAT to full access but still prefect cloud is complaining "NotGitRepository", I test all locally at CLI with git clone, work perfectly🤣
This is my code: Storage = Git(     repo="[Org Name]/[Project Name]/_git/[repo name]",                            # name of repo     flow_path ="./flows/dbtflow.py",                    # location of flow file in repo     branch_name ="main",     repo_host="[Org Name]",                    # repo host name     git_clone_url_secret_name  ="azureflowurl"           # url in this format  https//[UPN][personal access token]@dev.azure.com/[Org Name]/[Project Name]/_git/[repo name] ) azureflowurl is the secret name I set in Prefect cloud. Hope it helps...