My flow A has a StartFlowRun task that runs flow B...
# prefect-community
My flow A has a StartFlowRun task that runs flow B. If I’m looking at a flow run of flow A in the UI, how can I navigate to the corresponding run of flow B?
There is not a straightforward way to do it in Prefect 1.0. One way to navigate to a child flow run is through logs: within your parent flow run logs, you should see something like this:
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Flow run created: <>
Having said that, we know this link between parent and child flow run could be improved and Orion provides a first-class way to navigate between parent and child flows. If you are interested to learn more, check out this livestream recording:;t=2613s

What you can also do is adding stream_logs=True to see child flow run logs directly in the parent flow run logs.
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from prefect import Flow
from prefect.tasks.prefect import create_flow_run, wait_for_flow_run

with Flow("parent_flow") as flow:
    child_flow_run_id = create_flow_run(
        flow_name="child_flow_name", run_name="custom_run_name"
    child_flowrunview = wait_for_flow_run(
        child_flow_run_id, raise_final_state=True, stream_logs=True
But note that this is not available in the StartFlowRun task. For more, see this Discourse topic
Can I only wait for my subflow to complete in Orion?
You mean subflow in Orion but main flow in current Prefect?
When using the default SequentialTaskRunner, Orion actually waits till your child flow run completes before starting any downstream tasks/subflows, try this example:
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from prefect import flow
import time

def subflow(x):
    print("I am a subflow - waiting for 5 seconds to show some processing!")
    return x

def second_subflow(x):
    print("I am a second subflow!")
    return x

def main_flow():
    data = subflow(5)

if __name__ == "__main__":