Hey - has anyone here used Prefect with ML (or oth...
# prefect-community
Hey - has anyone here used Prefect with ML (or other data processing) and then outputted charts to a PDF or PNG? We’re exploring this as an option for getting insights into our ML models.
You can store it as an artifact but you need to persist the PNG somewhere like S3 and link it to a Markdown artifact. If you need more experiment tracking though, you can do Prefect + MLFlow because MLFlow has plots of metrics versus hyperparameter values
Kevin published a blog post about this just this week 🙂 check it out, it shows how you can use Artifacts API to display your ML model results directly in your Cloud UI https://www.prefect.io/blog/introducing-prefect-ml-orchestrate-a-distributed-hyperparameter-grid-search/
Wow, such timing! Thanks for the info, will pass along
👍 1
We’re using hosted MLflow for parameter/artifact storage and going to use prefect for orchestration
Have you ever written about it? Would like to see the stack, and I’m sure it would be helpful for a lot of people
I’m building the stack right now 🙂 we are awaiting some data from our engineers and maybe we can blog about it
🙌 2
prefect / k8s / mlflow / streamlit (for now)
Yeah this stack makes a lot of sense. Streamlit to visualize the experiments? Or you have some interactive webapp? Even Prefect + Streamlit is worth blogging about already 😆
The mlflow ui is ok but rather limited, so I decided to use it only for artifact storage/organization
+1 I would also be super interested to see a blog post about your setup
Let me bring it up at the company, I’ve only been working on this for like 2 weeks at the moment so really quite greenfield
Streamlit for all data viz, but to be totally honest i wanted an excuse to try it out 😧