I know for an ECS task, it is possible to specify ...
# prefect-community
I know for an ECS task, it is possible to specify the amount of RAM/CPU that is available to each task. Would it be possible to set these same constraints on individual tasks?
Like on the Prefect side right? Definitely not for now. Potentially in the future if we end up with a Ray Executor? Cuz Ray provides this functionality I think
Sorry the word task is overloaded here. I don’t know if you mean ECS task or Prefect task
I do apologize for the miscommunication. In this case it is a prefect task that will run on ECS. I run command line applications in the Nextflow engine that each have varying resource requirements. I was hoping there exited a way to 'limit' the resources needed for each individual prefect task such that a task that 'writes to a file' would not need the same resources that would require 100GB of RAM.
No it’s not your fault 😅. The only way to do this at the moment is splitting up the different steps into different Flows because you can specify resources on a Flow level (ECS task settings) and then you can chain them together with a “main flow”
That is an interesting workaround. I will look into that. Thank you for the pointer!